The very onset of this journey has been to Let our light so shine, that men can see our good works and glorify the Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:16), also compelling them to come to Jesus Christ.
The First Grace Missionary Baptist Church was organized August of 1955 by the late Rev. Nathan Shorter Sr., it all began with just eleven members and five support churches, a little bit of faith and a whole lot of prayer were the main ingredients that inspired the members of the First Grace Church family to hold on to God’s unchanging hand.
In 1996 after forty-One years of ministering in the North Lawndale Community Pastor Nathan Shorter Sr. retired from his position as pastor of the First Grace M.B.C.
The First Grace Missionary Baptist Church was organized August of 1955 by the late Rev. Nathan Shorter Sr., it all began with just eleven members and five support churches, a little bit of faith and a whole lot of prayer were the main ingredients that inspired the members of the First Grace Church family to hold on to God’s unchanging hand.
In 1996 after forty-One years of ministering in the North Lawndale Community Pastor Nathan Shorter Sr. retired from his position as pastor of the First Grace M.B.C.

Expanding the vision...
In April of 1996 God called Reverend Anthony Harris to become our Pastor, along with his wife Sister Dorene Harris.
Pastor Harris was an Associate Minister of our church in 1980 where he served faithfully.
Along with much prayer and a humble spirit Anthony & Dorene Harris shared God’s vision for this ministry.
Our mission statement is: “Where the Word of God builds People for Purpose, Power, and Praise”. Ephesians 4:11-12
We also believe what Proverbs 29:18a say’s “Where there is no vision, the people perish:
Pastor Harris was an Associate Minister of our church in 1980 where he served faithfully.
Along with much prayer and a humble spirit Anthony & Dorene Harris shared God’s vision for this ministry.
Our mission statement is: “Where the Word of God builds People for Purpose, Power, and Praise”. Ephesians 4:11-12
We also believe what Proverbs 29:18a say’s “Where there is no vision, the people perish:
Where we are headed...
At the First Grace Missionary Baptist Church Our Vision is: to help people become acquainted with Jesus Christ, recognizing Him as Savior of the world, also making available the appropriate training and support ministries for kingdom building, and commissioning leaders of this ministry to carry the Gospel from the local church into the world, helping people to grow to their fullest potential in Jesus Christ.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11:15am.